Tiago Menezes
Is a biologist and has a Master's degree in Plant Biodiversity and Biotechnology from the Azores University (Universidade dos Açores), having specialized in plant conservation and genetics.
Tiago carried out scientific research about Azores' Biodiversity Conservation, through the propagation of endemic and native plants, the control of invasive species, and also developing phylogenetic and biogeographic studies for the Macaronesian biodiversity hotspot region.
Thus, he has published research articles in international journals and has presented oral communications and poster presentations at several international conferences. Tiago was a research student at the Research Centre in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources (CIBIO, InBIO), University of the Azores.
For a long time, Tiago has been developing several actions in education and environmental awareness towards the protection and promotion of the Azorean natural heritage.
Currently, he works as a Senior Technician in Biology at the Society for Environmental Management and Conservation of Nature - AZORINA, S.A. and he is the coordinator of the Caldeira Velha Natural Monument and its Environmental Interpretation Centre, which place is integrated into the Regional Network of Protected Areas of the Azores.
In our “Rejuvenating in the Azores Retreat”, Tiago will take us for a two-days visit in the beautiful São Miguel island in order to highlight interesting topics about the local fauna and endemic flora.