Jonathan Benavides
Before becoming a clinical aromatherapist, Jonathan studied psychology (Rijksuniversiteit Leiden, 1986) and he specialised in autism and communication disorders.
His first connection with aromas was when working with sensorial therapies for autistic children at the Leiden University Psychiatric Children’s Centre, in The Netherlands. He then went on to study clinical aromatherapy in the UK. Since 2009, Jonathan has been working in the palliative home care system in his country, working with the sick and dying.
Jonathan has always been involved in training, research and developing different complimentary and integrative therapeutic approaches for conventional care. He has participated in several seminars, conferences and congresses in aromatherapy, complementary therapies, psychology and music therapy and during this career has developed, used, trained and lectured in different therapeutic interventions (conventional and non-conventional) such as
“Into the tunnel” for autistic children (1987)
“Bio-gymnastics, integrating the emotions in your body” (1989)
“Ahava, the Reiki of Love”, a new Reiki approach (2001)
“Anointing, a spiritual seance”, an energetic chakra harmonisation (2008)
“Into the Light”, psychological approach for the sick and dying (2011)
“Integrative Reiki, Reiki Usui together with essential oils, electromagnetic frequencies and rose energy” (2013)
“Reinforcing your T-cells, a holistic immunological approach” (2015)
“Be free again”, a trauma release aromatic approach (2017)
“Train to the Light” aroma and sound for HEARTS (2018)
“Remembering and Honouring you”, aroma and texture for HEARTS (2018)
“Adjusting, a multisensory self-compassionate approach for cancer related distress” (2019)
“De-Compression: the art of letting go” (2020)
Jonathan is also a Reiki Usui Shiki Ryoho Master, a HEARTS (UK) teacher, an anointer, a coach, a counsellor and an international teacher and lecturer. Besides he owns the essential oil company Essentia Nobilis.
In our “Rejuvenating in the Azores Retreat”, Jonathan will conduct a daily Silent Meditation and will give a full workshop (2 days) on “Aging graciously and Rejuvenating with Aromatherapy”. This will be a very practical workshop exploring interesting themes around the aging process and sharing the latest research on this.